Is counseling for me?

You are not alone! Many people ask themselves the same question every day. Starting counseling can be a major step and often scary for some. Questions may arise like, Is it going to work for me?, Can I afford it?, What if I need medications? The questions are endless but seeking counseling should not be looked at as weakness but as one taking a bold step towards wellness.  More and more people today seek counseling for themselves, couples and families to help through trying times and to reach goals.

When you contact Essential Clinical Counseling Services, our therapist is here to answer questions and walk you through the process. From your initial paperwork and evaluation to explaining a plan of care Essence will provide empathetic and understanding support.

Benefits of Counseling:

  • Coping Skill development
  • Relief from anxiety and improved stress management
  • Relief from depression
  • Mental health wellness
  • Improve communication and interpersonal skills
  • Greater sense of self, acceptance and self-esteem
  • Ability to change behavior and habits that can be self-defeating
  • Improve decision making skills